How I balance running a business and motherhood
I don’t lol it’s all a shit show send help
Okay, I’m joking (mostly).
I’ve learned a lot about keeping my sanity while being productive with homeschooling my four kids, managing the house, and running my business. I’ve found that finding balance is actually totally attainable so let me share some insight in what has worked for me.
The biggest takeaway for me has been accepting that it’s not always going to be pretty. Letting to of this idea of perfectionism, and realizing that I cannot do it all at once AND do it all well has made the biggest impact. Mindset is e v e r y t h i n g and for me it takes the most effort and practice. But being able to embrace the messy parts, (knowing it’s all temporary and there will be order again) instead of trying to control them/make them go away has really helped me overall not only be more productive but also just happier in general.
I also had to let go of this notion that my productivity for the day was directly related to how clean my house is.
Another biggie? Communication with my husband… which ultimately led to more equality in household responsibilities. So, that’s pretty cool. But, making sure we are on the same page about what I need to get done, ways he can help, and how I’m feeling makes a huge difference. I’m a bit of a control freak. I’m terrible at delegating and asking for help, I would rather do everything myself. Being able to accept help is HARD. But trying to it all by myself just led to setting myself up for failure. I also found my husband is more than happy to help when he can but he can’t always read my mind. We also shifted some responsibilities, like him helping a lot more with chores and meals. Even more than him helping though is him understanding that I’m not spending as many hours in a day devoted to household responsibilities. Sometimes the dishes might still be in the sink (he even takes care of them if he notices!), or the laundry might not be folded and put away. —LOL laundry was never folded even when I had time because f-that folding laundry SUCKS. But in all seriousness, just being able to talk about these things and working together has been instrumental in me achieving balance.
Right behind mindset, communication/support from my partner, is schedule. Even before I started into photography I was big on routines. God knows I lived and died by our nap schedule. Our days all have a similar flow with designated time for learning, play, and for me to get work done. In another post I’ll share a more in-depth look at our daily/weekly routines and what our typical homeschool schedule looks like. Having predictability helps my kids behave better, helps. me prioritize, and ultimately leads to a better marriage of work and mom life.
I know I said in the beginning it’s all a shit show, and even though I was joking, there’s obviously some truth to it. Truth is, it’s not always easy. Some days are long, some days things don’t get done. Some days my house is a mess, some days my temper is short. Some days I feel like I did nothing work related and some days I feel like I haven’t spent enough focused time with my kids. I can’t act like there’s some magic answer that makes it to where everything just runs smoothly and motherhood and business ownership just always hold hands in perfect harmony. I think the magic comes from rolling with the punches a bit. From doing your best to find some kind of peace + positive even during the lows. It doesn’t have to be some big lifestyle change, but putting in effort towards your mindset, being able to communicate and finding support from you partner, and finding a schedule that works for you can make it to where you can be successful staying home with your kids and running a business.
If you’re just starting to make the change from full time SAHM to starting your own business- YOU GOT THIS.. Cry if you.need to. Hug your babies tight. Drink some wine and try again tomorrow. Just keep showing up every day and keep putting in the effort. These things work out..