How to be most prepared for your couples session
There are so many details that go in to making the most out of your experience and creating photos for you to treasure forever
Whether your session is celebrating an engagement, for your save the dates, or just an excuse for a date night, there are definitely some things you can do ahead of time to be most prepared for your photoshoot. Let’s mention it allllllll:
Location: So how do you go about picking a location? Start by thinking about if there’s any place significant to you guys! Did you meet during college? Did you have your first date somewhere? Maybe you always take hikes? Or maybe you’ve just seen some of the latest trends like doing them at the laundromat or on an air mattress and think it looks fun. The options are endless- which is awesome because it means no two sessions are going to be the same and yours gets to be unique to you! If you need help or want suggestions I do have a bunch of ideas I can share when we’re talking and planning everything out.
What to wear: This depends on the season and location. I’m always going to tell you to stick to earth tones and neutrals and to NOT be too matchy matchy. Coordination typically translates better than being perfectly matching. You want to think about your whole vibe. Is it cool and casual? Layered and cozy? If you’re shooting some place like a parking garage you probably want something more casual (not saying that there isn’t an opportunity for something creative like wearing a tux, but I’m just speaking in general terms) I’m saying that letting your location help guide your style choices can certainly be helpful. I do have a more in depth style guide you can find here. It goes over the importance of layering, textures, and accessories.
Fine tuning the details: Make sure you get your nails done, everyone’s had their hair cut/styled. Getting your makeup done is also a good investment. If its your engagement session, it’s a good trial run for whoever is doing your makeup on your wedding day. Clean your ring- either do it yourself or take it to a jeweler, but you’ll love seeing it sparkle in the detail shots.
Pack a bag: It doesn’t hurt to bring extra clothes (either for an extra outfit to shoot in or to have in case you get dirty or wet, lipstick/makeup, shoes to change into, water, towels, coats, whatever. You can also bring something personal with you to use during your session. Flowers, wine, a pet, some kind of accessory or prop to give your photos an extra somethin’ somethin’.
Find your own inspiration: Look online! There are so many places to find cute inspiration photos. Just by doing your own research it can help give you ideas of what you like and what you don’t. There is no looking at an image and replicating it exactly- not only is that totally NOT COOL or how I do things, but there are so many other variables that go in to every shot, there is no such thing as doing something exact. Just seeing what’s out there and coming up with ideas is a fun part of the process. It also helps me! As much as I love creating I’m also not a mind reader. So something I totally love and think is awesome you might not want to go that route. Being open to collaborating with me and communicating your thoughts will definitely make your whole experience more tailored and personal.
Be prepared to be in the moment: During your session, the best thing you and your partner can do is enjoy each other. It can be a little nerve-wrecking, and sometimes partners aren’t always the most enthusiastic. If everyone can remember and have a good understanding beforehand that it’s not about having to show up and model, it’s about showing up and hanging out together. The more vulnerable you can be the more personal and intimate your photos are going to feel. Nobody has to show up knowing what they’re going to do or anything. I’ll be there to guide you through everything, but if you can just allow yourselves to be authentic through the process, not only will you enjoy your experience more but your photos will turn out AMAZE.
Learn more about preparing for your photos
I hope you found that helpful! If you’d like more information about planning a couples session you can CLICK HERE, Cheers to love bitches!