Why you should hire a birth photographer

Ohio Birth Photographer MP by Megan Photography Life of Pie Blog

birth photography: it’s more than just ‘the birth’

When people think of birth photography I think it’d be safe to say that a lot of times the initial reaction would be something kind of like- “ewww…”

But here’s the big kicker… birth photography is about so much more than the baby just physically coming out of the vagina, or an incision, or blood and mess. While the actual delivery of the baby might be the cherry on top, it most certainly is not the entire ice cream sundae. There’s so much more to it than that.

I consider birth photography to be the epitome of storytelling, vulnerability, connection, and emotion. It’s about family, teamwork, and most importantly it’s about the birth of a mother.

You get to remember the anticipation of the moments leading up to quite possibly the most emotional experience of your life. You get to remember the connection and support from your partner and birth team. You get to remember your strength and tenacity. And you also get the opportunity to see visually, in the most beautiful way, the true metamorphosis bringing your baby earth side. You start the session as on person and you end the session as a different one. It’s amazing. Of course, you also get the once in a lifetime moment of you meeting your baby for the first time documented by a professional for you to look back on.

While I understand it’s such a personal space, and it’s important that you feel comfortable and at ease with who’s around you. I think it’s equally important to have someone who specializes in birth photography to be the one who captures these moments for you. It’s definitely a personal decision, and hopefully me breaking this down a little bit will help give you peace of mind, and you’ll consider opening up your sacred space to include one more (me!)

Ohio Birth Photographer MP by Megan Photography

I think it’s important that you hire a specialist vs. your partner/mom/doula/friend/etc.

I think it’s important that you hire a specialist vs your partner/mom/doula/friend/etc. and here is why:

  1. I have a trained artistic and visual eye that will be able to capture and document these moments in a way that beautifully, tastefully, and artistically tell your story. You’ll et to have these moments to look back on with your child and family (and be SO glad you have them)!

  2. I am experienced with light and space, and I have the equipment necessary for accommodating both. I know how to capture without interfering. I know how to balance taking photos and giving space. Even if someone you know has a good quality camera, you can’t always trust that they know they in’s and out’s. Please try and consider that a good camera does not equal good photos. I have the training, experience, knowledge, and expertise to back me up. I know how to use my camera and adjust my settings based off of light, space, and anything else in the environment. I also have the ability to make art out of seemingly normal moments. (Also, if your partner is taking photos then they aren’t going to be able to support you in the way you need.)

  3. As someone who specializes in birth photography, I know how to capture these sensitive, intimate moments in a way that doesn’t feel graphic or gruesome. In the same breath, I’m also not bothered, intimated, or “grossed out” by the birth process- bodily fluids and private parts and all. I actually don’t even see those things really, I’m just focused on the beauty that is new life. You also have complete control over how much or how little you want to be exposed. I am able to work with whatever you are comfortable with and make it in to beautiful memories.

So there you have it. Before you immediately jump to this conclusion that allowing a “stranger” to join your birth space is gross and uncomfortable, I’d urge you to reconsider and keep your options open. I was one of those people- thinking I could never let someone in. I think my problem was more so that I didn’t do the work to find the right fit. After seeing what kinds of images can be captured, after experiencing it through my lens, I have serious regret NOT having a professional take photos for me. I have my memories, sure. But nothing compares to how much better it would be to have the photos to go with it.

My last thought is this: please, I beg you, please try to not consider me a “stranger” or “just your birth photographer.” As your birth photographer I take so much pride in being part of your team. I’m there to support you as much as you need. In April 2022 I’ll finish my doula training, and I think it will help me be uniquely qualified to share your space. I also love when someone books one of my bundles, because I get the chance to know you before, during, and after your birth experience. I truly leave my heart with my clients, and I leave each session feeling like so much more than just your photographer. I would be honored to get to share your space with you.

If you’re ready to talk more, get to know me better, and potentially preserve your birth story please contact me! You can do that by clicking here.


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