Home is where the heart is

mp by megan photography ohio newborn photographer

…and why it makes the perfect setting for your newborn photos

even with your dishes and laundry lying around.

I’m looking around my place right now and you know what I see? A whole. lot. of. CRAP. I see laundry piles, dishes in my sink, toys scattered about. We’re currently renovating our ENTIRE house so there are unfinished projects and tools. If I didn’t know better, I might be thinking there’s no way in HELL this is a good setup for newborn photos- it’s a madhouse! I’m guessing some of you might share a similar sentiment (or maybe you’re one of the lucky ones who lives in a home made for Architectural Digest, in which case, I salute you and would LOVE to come photograph your family there :)) But, let’s assume you’re not one of those people. How in the world could a place full of clutter and mess, that isn’t necessarily “picture perfect”, be an ideal space for newborn photos? The root of the matter, or the heart of the matter really, is just that- it’s your heart.

All of those things that make your house seem imperfect, are actually what make it home. What make it memorable and full of love. Your newborn photos are going to be about connection, emotion, and that sweet beautiful baby, they aren’t about the state of your house. Being able to do them in your home can make for some amazing keepsakes and really contribute to the story of your session.

Besides the emotional factor, there are also another number of reasons why in-home sessions make for great newborn photos. One of the main ones- convenience. You don’t have to load a single thing up. You don’t have to worry about kids falling asleep in the car, or how to entertain your toddler while the baby is getting their photos taken. You don’t have to budget for time driving or gas. I can bring your outfit to you if you want to wear one of my dress options. I bring all of the wraps or props needed for the baby. So doing them at home can really help take some of the mental load off of mom trying to plan and coordinate everything.

I think it’s so convenient doing them in your home especially if you have multiple kids (ie, the newborn is not your first child). Your other kids are more likely to feel more relaxed, able to entertain themselves better, know the rules, etc. Who says they can’t watch tv or play outside while we’re taking photos? They can pretty much do whatever, and every now and then I’ll holler at them to hop in to a picture. It makes it pretty easy with them doing them at home.

Can I say this also kind of applies for dads/partners. Typically dads are not in as many photos as the mom and baby, typically don’t love the idea of being in a bunch of photos and doing a photoshoot, and a lot of times I find they get stressed dealing with kids in a place outside of their comfort zone. By being home they can basically do the same as the other kids if they want- watch TV or help tend to toddlers with short attention spans and extra energy. Its overall a very relaxed experience.

While I’m thinking of all of these wonderful things about in home sessions- you know that nursery you spent forever planning and putting a lot of heart into before baby’s arrival? Wouldn’t it be awesome to have it documented? Relish in your hard work. Or maybe some of the furniture you have in there has been passed down, or is in some way sentimental. Being able to get baby in the nursery is always so sweet and uniquely reflective of each family’s personality.

If you’re someone who likes the idea of posed newborn photos, we can do those in your home too. I always bring what I need for individual photos of the baby, and we can incorporate any blankets or outfits you’d like as well. All I. need is a sunny window and we’re good to go. If I have to move some stuff around, it’s no big deal. We just scooch and move it all back when we’re done.

As a new mom, whether it’s your first, second, third, WHATEVER, a mom with a new baby, cleaning your house and worrying about making a ton of plans for your photoshoot is just another thing on the to-do list right? It’s stressful enough birthing a whole human, dealing with your boobs leaking and fluid seemingly seeping out from everything and anything, trying to wrangle other children, not sleeping, basically becoming a whole new person in a whole new body overnight. It’s a LOT, momma. I see you. I am with you. And I’m here to tell you, it really doesn’t have to feel that overwhelming. Sometimes just being home, despite whatever state it’s in (it’s never as bad as it feels too, I’m here to tell you), is where you need to be. It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful. Your family is beautiful. And your newborn photos will be too. Doing your newborn session at home can really be a fun, relaxed photo experience. You get plenty of variety, lots of space for creativity, and it can all happen in the comfort of your own home. At the end of the day your house doesn’t have to look Pinterest perfect either. It’s about what goes on, the love that’s shared inside the four walls, not the color of them. They’d be a perfect reflection of your family unit. Your beautiful, messy, real life, love and connection captured as heirlooms for you to treasure.


World’s Okayest Mom.


How to make the most of your studio newborn session